Definition Mining – The Game


A reader of Definition Mining, Leo Mansfield, wrote in to say that they created a Balderdash style game inspired by this site. It’s a fun co-operative game, so I thought I’d share the rules here. And we’ve also started an informal list of “winning” definitions at the bottom. Enjoy!

  1. Proposal – You bring a Word to the table. If it has multiple meanings, choose only one.
    This Word should be a social concept, not technical jargon. For example, Accelerate and Multiply have inarguable technical definitions, so would not be fit for the game.
  2. Begin – You come up with the first definition that comes to mind, without thinking too hard. If it has obvious problems, good!
  3. Refine – Other players will try to nitpick the definition by bringing up an example that either:

    is described by the Word, but not by the definition, or

    is described by the definition, but not by the Word

  4. Evolve – The nitpicker then creates a new definition, and players try to come up with examples that defy that definition.
    If an argument on the meaning comes up, the player who proposed the Word can decide which meaning is the one we’re defining.
  5. Repeat  – keep doing steps 3 and 4 until the definition is the best we can think of
  6. Write it down – pick a final definition that everyone can agree on and is the best you can do
  7. Compare – Look up the word in the dictionary to see if your definition is better. If it is, send it to so it can go up on the site!

Here’s a couple results from a game Leo played with friends and one I played. If you play and come up with any good results, send them in and I’ll post them here.

  • Brave: Willing to take action for a purpose, when the action is personally scary
  • Game: Recreational competition where players agree to both rules and a goal